Learn more and sign up for our free Birdwatching Basics class here!


The Naturalists’ Club is a family-oriented nature club, founded in 1950, dedicated to the enjoyment, exploration, and protection of the natural world. The Club is an educational, not-for-profit organization, incorporated in the State of New York, with IRS recognition under Section 501 (c) 3 (Not For Profit).

The Naturalists’ Club publishes The Gnatcatcher, a monthly newsletter listing upcoming events and items of interest, including monthly Southern Tier bird statistics.

Our club’s monthly meetings begin at 7 pm and are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Vestal Public Library at 320 Vestal Pkwy E. in Vestal, NY.

The club conducts Nature Field Trips, Bird Song Classes, Moth Nights and many other club sponsored and cooperative events. See the calendar page or our Facebook page for current dates and times of club meetings and events.


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